JOB CHART (DUTIES) Village Revenue Assistants
Category:-1: 1) Service demand notices and other process issued for
the collection of Government dues and shall obey the orders of the V.R.O in
the matter of measuring the lands and grain. Inspecting crops and carrying
messages, accounts and returns pertaining to the Government. In villages
in which there are no Village Revenue Assistants of category (2) he shall
discharge the duties of V.R.A., of that category. (Category-1: Vetti,
Kawalkar, Toti, Talayari, Tandalgar and Sethsindhi).
Category:2 A Village Revenue Assistant of category (2) shall subject to the
general control of the V.R.O., substituted as per (G.O.Ms.No. 2176, Revenue
dt.05.12.2011) incharge of the irrigation of the lands in the village where
there is irrigation from tanks and channels. (Category:2: Neeradi,
General duties:- The V.R.A., shall besides the duties specified above,
such other duties as may be assigned to them from time to time by the
V.R.O., However, their services shall not be utilized for night watchman,
Attender in offices and for personal work of V.R.O., and other Revenue
Requirement of Rule 9(2) is that the VRA should be a native of the
Village and have adequate knowledge of the Village concerned.
Nativity may be determined based on any one of the following
documents in that order:-
1.(a) “Place of Birth” as shown in the Birth Certificate, if
available, or
(b) Nativity as issued by authority competent under
G.O.Ms.No.58 Social Welfare (J) Department, dated: 12-
(c) Ration Card
(d) Place of study for a period of not less than four consecutive
academic years out of 7 years, or place of continuous stay
for a period of not less than four years, as the case may
be, as on date the notification for selection is issued.
(e) Pass port.
(f) In the case of married women, her nativity or her
husband’s nativity, shall be determined with the
documents stated above, which can be taken into account
for this purpose, with a rider that a married women
including widows, divorced women and women judicially
separated from her husband and not re-married can chose
nativity either her own or of her husband.
(g) For a Married women Passport or a Marriage certificate
also can be relied on to determine her nativity.
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